Since August 22, 2017 when we met with then Federal Health Minister Jane Philpott to deliver the Lyme Letters, a lot has happened.
In the week following that meeting, an announcement was made that there was a federal cabinet shuffle triggered by an opening in another portfolio. Several Federal Cabinet Ministers were moved, including Minister Jane Philpott - who left the Health Portfolio right after we met with her and delivered the thousands of Lyme Letters and Petition comments! The existing department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs has been replaced by two new departments: former Indigenous Minister Carolyn Bennett became Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs, while Jane Philpott became the Minister of newly created Indigenous Services. The new Health Minister is Ginette Petitpas Taylor. Minister Petitpas Taylor is MP for the riding of Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe, New Brunswick. She has a background in social work and has been a passionate and strong advocate for many causes including pay equity for women, mental health and domestic violence. We encourage all of you to write Minister Petitpas Taylor to let her know you remain concerned about the lack of funding and attention to Lyme & other tick-borne disease in Canada. Those of you living in her riding can also request to meet with her personally in her constituent office to share your story and concerns personally. So what does this mean? We will be following up with Minister Philpott in her new role in Indigenous Services as there are many indigenous communities living in endemic areas for infected ticks. We will also be following up asking for a meeting with new Health Minister Petitpas Taylor and look forward to continuing the dialogue with her office, and also with Public Health Agency of Canada.
AUG 25, 2017 — On August 22, 2017, the Lyme Moms Sue Faber and Jennifer Kravis met with Canadian Federal Health Minister Jane Philpott and Dr. Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer at the Public Health Agency of Canada.
We personally delivered 2,700 Lyme Letters (115 pounds worth) from Canadians coast to coast as well as a bound volume of the 12,000+ Petition comments from the Ticking Lyme Bomb Petition - powerful, moving and clearly documenting the Lyme crisis which continues to explode across Canada . We also delivered 30+ years worth of medical reference literature/research/case-studies documenting mother-to-child transmisson of Lyme Disease through pregnancy - an alternate mode of transmission. We have been advised that the Public Health Agency of Canada is conducting a literature review on congenital transmission and so we hope that this sharing of information with them will be of value. When we met with the Health Minister, we shared from our hearts - and truly from your hearts. We spoke to the truth and reality of Canadians from every province and territory. We did our very best to represent you and to ask for our Federal Government to engage at a level which is meaningful to those who suffer now. This means that patient voices, patient advocates and care-givers, Lyme literate physicians, researchers and scientists who do exist here in Canada - must be included in next steps - not just at a surface level, not paying lip-service - but meaningful, active participation. We must continue to come together, unite, and strategize with common goals - to protect, to educate, to provide appropriate and timely and patient focused care, to research meaningful questions, to open dialogue and have healthy debate among experts. We must move forward. We believe that Canada can indeed be a world leader when it comes to Lyme Disease and we will hold onto that Hope. AUG 20, 2017 — Today, Sue Faber and I finished reading the last of the 2,700 Lyme Letters in preparation for our upcoming meeting with Federal Health Minister Jane Philpott.
Many of these letters are written by mothers – sharing their heartache watching their children deteriorate and suffer right in front of their eyes. Today we would like to honour a very special mom. Please click on the link below to watch the video. Fran Davide is an incredible mother to Chiara Cassuoli-Davide, a 25 year old Toronto woman who fell suddenly ill at age 15. Chiara tested positive for Lyme disease and her symptoms started after a trip to the cottage and a strange round mark on her foot. No one knows all the contributing factors in Chiara’s rapid decline, and there are still so many unknowns around tick-borne illness. But I think every parent wants and deserves the same thing when it comes to their children’s health: for every possible explanation to be fully evaluated and meaningfully explored. Chiara is now almost 25 years old, she weighs 50 lbs and has been incapacitated and non-verbal for the last 8 years. We join Fran in praying for a miracle for Chiara. In the video, Chiara sings “Let it Be” and we would like to close by highlighting the words in this song which are the hope and prayer of millions around the world: “For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see. There will be an answer, let it be.” Here is Chiara’s Story, as told by her mother, Fran, in her Lyme Letter to Minister Philpott: “Dear Dr. Philpott After reading your profound biography, I address this letter to you as our federal Health Minister but most of all as a mother who shares the heartbreak and experience of a child with a devastating illness. My hope is that with your leadership, the Ministry will give the much needed resources to Lyme Disease that has reached a catastrophic epidemic. I am a Toronto mother distressed by the lack of quality and essential health care services for my daughter, Chiara. In September 2007, my vibrant and healthy fifteen year old daughter started having headaches, cognitive decline, and nightmares. Chiara’s health deteriorated rapidly, her brain eventually showed atrophy, and she has been fully incapacitated and non verbal for the past eight years. As a determined mother with unwavering faith and devotion to my daughter, I embarked on a search for answers and ten months after the onset of her symptoms, I discovered Lyme Disease. As a potential diagnosis it made a lot of sense as she had been to a cottage in August and we discovered a circular mark, though not the classic bull’s eye rash, on her heel. This opened a whole new can of worms and led to overwhelming and disturbing discoveries leading to the ignorance of Vector Borne Diseases, Lyme Disease in our health care system. After three admissions and numerous tests at the Hospital, including the standard Canadian test for Lyme, she remains with a diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease with an unknown etiology that offers no cause or treatments. In my continued search, I sent her blood work to the USA and Germany for testing where she received a positive result for Lyme; however, the results were not recognized by our doctors in Canada where she continued to test negative. Our only recourse was to travel to the USA, Germany, and Italy for treatments, which left us in financial ruin. It should be unnecessary for Canadian families to have to take the costly step of obtaining effective testing and treatment outside of our country. According to treatment practices, earlier detection would have resulted in immediate treatment and therefore greater potential for recovery. To this day, the Canadian testing standards remain grossly inadequate. As a mother, I feel Chiara was abandoned by our health system. She is now turning 25 years old and has been in palliative care at home for ten years. Her health status remains unchanged, weighing only 50 pounds she continues to deteriorate with no prognosis available. I have recently been widowed as this nightmare tore my husband’s heart and he passed with liver cancer in 2015. I am Chiara’s sole caregiver in our home 24/7 with no family support, unable to work, and insufficient support through government services. I am completely overwhelmed, emotionally drained, physically exhausted, and struggling with my own health issues. Despite the adversity, I remain a determined mother with an unfailing search for “a miracle”.” ![]() AUG 15, 2017 — Today I'm sharing Laura's story as written by her mom. How many more children will be infected and get sick before this madness stops? Please help us meet our goal of 75,000 signatures before we meet our Federal Health Minister Jane Philpott on August 22nd - if everyone who signed this petition got one more person to sign, we would hit this goal easily! Don't stop at 1 - try to get 5 or more! Laura's Story: "I am sharing our recent experience with Lyme in our daughter, Laura. This is long, but parents need to know. Laura is only 2 years old. June 8th 2017 while giving Laura a bath I noticed what looked to be a mosquito bite on her arm. We live in the country and are no strangers to mosquito bites. This one seemed different from the other bites she had. It was beet red, and really hard. Over the course of a few days the bite started to change colour and looked almost scaly and bruised. The morning of June 15th my husband texted me at work to tell me that bite had turned into a bullseye. At this point I didn't know very much about Lyme disease, but what I did know is that the bullseye is never a good sign. I immediately left work and took her to the emergency room. The doctor said that she was just having a weird reaction to a mosquito bite and it was nothing to be concerned about. He instructed me to keep an eye on it and give Benadryl every four hours until the bite cleared up. I specifically asked if it could be from a tick and possibly Lyme. He told me that ‘we don't have Lyme in our area’ and ‘because I didn't see the tick we didn't have anything to worry about’. I didn't feel good about the response we received in ER so I called my family Dr. Again, I asked about Lyme and was again told that because we didn't see the tick it couldn't be Lyme. I went to the pharmacy and spoke with a pharmacist, she agreed that it did not look like a normal reaction to a mosquito bite, but wasn't certain that it could be Lyme disease. Shortly after the bullseye showed up Laura started to get sick. It started with fevers that were in the 103/104 range and lasted for a week. She got a rash over every inch of her body. I took her to emerg and we were told she was probably teething or it could be from a virus. I called her family doctor and was again told it was a virus. Each time I mentioned the bullseye and each time I was told no, it's not possible it's Lyme. Laura started getting diarrhea, having up to 10-11 diarrhea diapers a day. She would sometimes have blood and mucous in her stool. Occasional vomiting, fevers every few days and extremely lethargic, headaches, and joint pain. My once crazy busy, non stop toddler wasn't even asking to go outside. She would lay on the couch all day and watch tv. She was asking to go to bed which in two years has never happened. When she would play outside she would play for a few minutes and then come and sit in my lap. She wouldn't even walk to the end of the driveway because she was so tired. Then the temper tantrums started. Laura started having horrible temper tantrums that were so unlike any other temper tantrum she has ever had. She would bang her head against things as hard as she could, the floor, a wall, a window. Scratch at her face, bite her arms, pull her hair. She would wake up in the middle of the night screaming in agony and banging her head against the wall. This started happening so frequently that we were referred to a developmental paediatrician to begin the process of having her tested for autism. These temper tantrums did not start until after we saw the bullseye and the onset of the rest of her symptoms. My daughter is not autistic she is in so so much pain and she has no other means of telling you. I took her to the nurse practitioner on July 25th. I went through all of the symptoms, showed her the bullseye rash and asked her to treat her for Lyme. She agreed and gave her a 14 day course of amoxicillin. Laura ended up having what we thought was an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin so I called back to my doctors office and asked for a different medication. The nurse practitioner was away on vacation and our family doctor flat out refused to give her a new prescription. She insisted that Laura does not have Lyme and that she has had a stomach virus for the last two months. She would not agree to treat her until Laura had a positive Lyme test come back. Aug 5th we decided to take Laura to a top Canadian Children’s Hospital to see if we could get any further with them. They agreed to do the Lyme blood test, but insisted that the bullseye rash is an allergic reaction to a mosquito and that the bullseye that Laura had looks nothing like the Lyme rash. They also stated that the symptoms she has experienced all summer do not fit the symptoms associated with Lyme disease. They did no other testing on her and didn't even bother to check her white count or do a basic blood panel on her. They referred us to another paediatrician and said that this was out of their scope as they are an emergency department and are trained to deal with serious emergencies only. On our way home the ER doctor at our local emergency department called and told us the stool sample came back and tested positive for a parasite. Even if left untreated this particular parasite should have cleared up on its own within 10 days. Laura has been sick with this parasite for almost two months, which tells you that her immune system is not functioning as it should. When on the phone with the doctor I asked him if this could be related to Lyme disease and he told me that he was unsure and that doctors in in our Province do not know enough about Lyme to diagnose and treat for it, that we need to seek treatment elsewhere. Laura has been sick with the parasite for two months so not treating for it is absolutely not an option. The only way to obtain the medication in Canada is by going through the ministry of health. Numerous doctors, our nurse practitioner, my husband and myself tried for a week to get in touch with the ministry of health and not one of our phone calls or emails were responded to. This left us with no choice but to go to the United States and get the medication ourselves. Because this parasite is highly contagious Laura has passed it onto me, so I need to be treated as well or risk re-infecting her. This medication cost $1778.40 USD. Which will not be covered by our insurance and is completely at our expense. This is something that should have been treated for in our Province. Due to the nature of the parasite and the Lyme public health in our area needed to be contacted and an investigation needed to be completed. The picture of the bullseye rash along with her symptoms was sent to the inspector. He agrees that it is in fact Lyme and that Laura should have been treated when we initially took her to the emergency room. In his opinion there is a major flaw with the testing in Canada and that doctors in our Province are highly under-qualified to diagnose and treat for Lyme. On Monday August 14th we are travelling out of our Province to start having Laura treated for Lyme. This is costing us thousands of dollars and is a huge strain for our family financially, but we have been left with no other option. There is a major flaw in the Canadian health care system where Lyme is concerned. As Canadians there is no reason we should ever have to leave our Province and spend astronomical amounts of money to get access to health care. If Laura had been treated with amoxicillin on June 15th when I initially brought her to the hospital all of this could have been avoided. Due to the ignorance of doctors, my two year old child has been suffering for two months with little to no help from our healthcare system. This is a two year old child. She is just a baby and she needs help. Canada has a Lyme crisis on their hands and needs to be held accountable." JUL 23, 2017 — We have some amazing news!
It only took us (Sue Faber and Jennifer Kravis) 3 trips to Ottawa, many meetings with MPs and Senators, a few media interviews, plugging a petition that now has 41,289 signatures and almost 11,000 comments, reading hundreds of personal Lyme letters and thousands of Petition comments, and and 6 months of Sue calling and writing Minister Philpott's office requesting a face to face meeting ... to finally be invited to meet Minister Philpott in September! At this meeting, we will be personally delivering the thousands of Lyme Letters and speaking to the suffering and injustice inflicted upon thousands of Canadians coast to coast. We have become accidental activists. That's what happens when you get Lyme Disease in Canada. Then realize there's NO help or recognition, and you start to really suffer, lose your job and realize you have to leave Canada and spend your retirement savings to get treated. Then you realize your kids have it too. Then you realize this is happening to thousands and thousands of others. Then you get confused, and experience disbelief, then you start feel sad, then you get MAD. Then you realize, you know so much, and it's so wrong, and now you are hooked. You HAVE to do something because there are so many others who are so much sicker than you that CAN'T do anything. So those of us who can, MUST. We have seen that Minister Philpott is passionate about the needs of the underserved and forgotten, and she herself was raised on the value of serving others. She has written that she chose the medical profession so that she could “come in contact with people to address real needs to make a real difference”. She stated that there “will always be opposition” and that leading the Ministry of Health would be a “daunting task”. We trust she has been put in this position for a time such as this. We have hope that Minister Philpott, who is a caring, kind and committed mother and politician, will do the right thing. We need justice, fair and equitable treatment, mercy and hope. We need our faith in Canada’s health system for Lyme sufferers restored. We both struggle with serious health effects from Lyme Disease. We have sick children at home. We have busy lives and families to care for. This is not our idea of a good time, and this is not that comfortable for us, we have never done anything like this before. We are nervous, and feel a huge responsibility. We don't know how this will go. We know we have the hearts and support of TENS of THOUSANDs of Canadians. BUT, this is important. Important enough that we are leaving our families, and flying to our capital city to DO something. Because this is ridiculous. And WRONG. Canadians are literally begging to be heard, writing pages and pages of the saddest stories of neglect, abuse, denial and mistreatment. Children are hurting, and are being shockingly mistreated and UNTREATED. And this is putting MORE and MORE Canadians at risk as the threat of Lyme Disease and the expansion of ticks just grows and grows. Here is a recent newspaper article featuring our Lyme advocacy work. July 15, 2015 — Yesterday our federal Health Minister Jane Philpott posted a message regarding prevention of Lyme disease on her Government Facebook page (Heading is 5 Ways to Prevent Tick Bites). While we agree prevention is an important message, we feel there is much more that needs to be addressed by our Health Minister on the subject.
For example, we would like to see a lot more guidance and updated education to medical professionals on how to clinically diagnose and properly treat early Lyme cases based on symptoms, since it is well established that the test is not accurate for at least 6 weeks, and also misses many cases after that time period. We would like to see guidance and education to the general public and medical professionals on the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of late state, disseminated Lyme disease and Co-Infections. We would like to see more discussion and awareness of the myriad of misdiagnoses that are commonly mistakenly attributed to Lyme victims, including arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, alzheimers, psychiatric conditions, lupus, MS, ALS and Parkinson’s disease. We think it is crucial that the suffering and frustration of Lyme victims of all ages is heard and acknowledged. We think the issues of transmission of Lyme during pregnancy, possible sexual transmission and blood supply safety must be urgently addressed. We think $4 million (spread over several years) is a grossly inadequate investment for a disease as serious and as fast growing as Lyme disease. We think the general public and all medical professionals need to be educated about, discussing and considering the possibility of the multiple Co-Infections that exist in our ticks and mosquitos – such as Babesia, Bartonella, Q Fever, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Anaplasma, Tularemia, Powassen Virus, Coxsackie Virus, among others. What do you think? We suggest that this is a great opportunity for your voice to be heard on the subject. You can leave your personal story, your comments, concerns and questions below this post – find it by clicking here to go to Minister Philpott’s facebook page, then scroll down until you find this post, then type in the “comments” section. Then, please continue to share this Petition and encourage even more Canadians to sign it. Thank you for your continued support. Celebrating our Democracy – House of Commons Health Committee Study into the Lyme Framework - Part 210/1/2017 Testimony from Jennifer Kravis at the Standing Health Committee Celebrating our Democracy – House of Commons Health Committee Study into the Lyme Framework - Part 110/1/2017 JUL 5, 2017 — We hope everyone enjoyed a special Canada Day weekend with their friends and family, and had time to reflect upon all the wonderful things we enjoy living in this great Country. Although it’s been a while since we sent an update, we continue to be busy pushing forward with our advocacy work.
One of the blessings of living in Canada is that we have a democratic Government and as a result, we enjoy the right to free speech and a democratic process. We are happy to share that, as a result of continued advocacy, meetings with and letters to MPs and Senators in Ottawa over the last couple months, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health agreed to study the Federal Framework on Lyme Disease which was released in final version on May 30, 2017. On June 6 & 8th, 2017, the Health Committee held 2 sessions to hear from a variety of Lyme stakeholders who were called to testify about their concerns with the Lyme Framework. Ms Sue Faber and I were both called to testify as patients and advocates. Ms Janet Sperling, CanLyme director, and Dr. Vett Lloyd from Mount Allison University, both testified as scientific experts, and Dr. Ralph Hawkins, MD and Dr. Elizabeth Zubek, MD, both appeared to testify as medical experts and clinicians. Finally, Dr. Howard Njoo, the Acting Assistant Deputy Minister, Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Branch testified on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada, and Ms Margaret Fearon and Mr. Jean-Paul Bedard from Canada Blood Services also appeared. JUN 1, 2017 — Two days ago, our federal Health Minister Jane Philpott announced the release of the final federal Framework for Lyme Disease – the long awaited “Action Plan” to address the growing epidemic of Lyme disease and Co-Infections across Canada and the result of almost 5 years of advocacy and Government work.
When this Petition first launched in February 2017, it was in response to the first draft of this Framework released on February 7th. This Petition asked our federal Public Health Authorities, and our federal Health Minister Jane Philpott, to “fix” the Framework, specifically by including actions to address the following severe deficiencies in the first draft we saw: - it was silent on the divergent medical and scientific view-points - it ignored and buried the hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific literature regarding the complex nature of this disease including persistence of infection, alternate modes of transmission and other emerging science - it was silent on the documented risk of congenital transmission - it was silent on Co-Infections - the multiple other serious diseases transmitted along with Lyme - it was silent on the disproportionate risk to our children - it had NO action to address the well-known flawed testing - it was silent on the divergence of expert opinion on treatment protocols both in the early and chronic stages of Lyme Disease - it failed to provide an emergency strategy that would enable existing Lyme patients to access the care that they need NOW - it had no mention or action to address the potential tainted blood supply - it did not address the possibility of sexual transmission In the final Framework released on May 30th, only two of the above issues were addressed, and only in a vague and cursory manner. First, there is an acknowledgement of a second set of treatment guidelines developed by ILADS – the International Lyme & Associated Diseases Society (; however the Framework makes it clear our Government continues to recommend the seriously outdated and biased limited treatment guidelines that have been in use for over a decade and are clearly not effectively addressing this crisis. In addition, there is an acknowledgement of Co-Infections: the final Framework states that: “Ticks may also transmit multiple other pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, with the potential to cause a range of human illness.” However, none of the specific Co-Infections were named, and the only “action item” was as follows: “Moving forward, a national tick-borne surveillance system will be developed that includes Lyme disease and other possible co-infections.” The only funding attached to this Framework was $4 million which is part of a previously announced budget for health related issues associated with climate change ($47 million) and the entire $4 million has been allocated to “research”. There is no dedicated funding for education of the public, education of medical professionals or the national surveillance system referred to above. $4 million is an embarrassing, paltry sum, given the magnitude of this disease and the severity of the threat to Canadians. In our view, this final Framework is completely inadequate, fails to address in any meaningful way ANY of the serious issues outlined in this Petition, and endangers every Canadian who is at risk of this growing epidemic. To add insult to injury, the closing sentence of this Framework states: “This Framework will be reviewed within five years of its publication on the website.” Our Government is attempting to sweep this issue under the rug, and wash their hands of this epidemic for the next 5 years. We simply cannot allow our elected officials to ignore millions already suffering, and those joining the ranks daily across Canada. Therefore we strongly urge you to continue to share this Petition and encourage more Canadians to comment, sign and share. Below are two TV interviews with Jennifer Kravis and Sue Faber that aired on national evening news shows Tuesday evening in response to the release of the final Framework, as well as a CBC radio interview featuring Arlene Rill, a Lyme patient and advocate from Montreal, and Janet Sperling, a researcher and director of CanLyme. We are determined to continue to advocate and raise awareness of the threat of Lyme disease and co-infections in Canada. Thank you for your continued support and engagement. MAY 29, 2017 — This Saturday June 3, 2017, please join us at one of the numerous events occurring across Canada to get VOCAL (Voices of Canadians About Lyme)!
Please come out with family and friends to show our Government that YOU are concerned about Lyme disease and the safety of your family. Please share this information all across Canada! Sue Faber and I are very honoured to be among the many speakers at the Ottawa event. Details below, hope to see you there! VOCAL – VOICES OF CANADIANS ABOUT LYME: A Nation-Wide Lyme Disease Awareness Campaign – June 3rd, 2017 Please join this Canada-wide initiative on Saturday June 3rd (Sunday June 4th in St. John’s Newfoundland) in capital cities across Canada. VOCAL will be hosting events to raise awareness of Lyme disease including presentations, musical performances, rallys, walks, and demonstrations. Our Goal: To raise awareness about this EVER growing silent epidemic to the general public, and to unite Canadians across Canada who are suffering from Lyme disease! How Can You Help: Please encourage and invite your family and friends to join you at one of the following events: VOCAL OTTAWA: When: Saturday, June 3, 2017 - 1:00pm – 4:00 pm *Live tick drag demonstration at noon. Where: Parliament Hill, Ottawa, ON Information: There will be musical performers, guest speakers including celebrity advocates, doctors and researchers, an information desk, a live tick dragging demonstration, and fun for adults and children. Come learn more about Lyme and tick borne diseases affecting all Canadians! Contact: Lesley Fleming – [email protected] Note: we are a completely grass roots organizing committee comprised of people living with Lyme Disease committed to bringing more awareness and action to this worldwide silent epidemic. We would greatly appreciate a donation of any size to help cover our costs and to continue our advocacy efforts to protect all Canadians VOCAL EDMONTON: When: Saturday June 3, 2017, 9:00am - 4:00pm *guest speaker at noon Where: Dr Wilbert McIntyre Park, 8303 104 St NW, Edmonton (Beside the Old Strathcona Farmer's Market) Information: Dress in lime green as well!! Bring as many people with you. Contact: Kim Zapesocki – [email protected] VOCAL SASKATCHEWAN (Saskatoon): When: Saturday June 3, 2017 - 8 am – 2 pm Where: Farmers Market, 414 Ave B South downtown Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Information: Information regarding Lyme and tick borne diseases will be available to the public, take home info pamphlets, Bite out of Lime challenge, awareness chakra bracelets for sale, and some draw prizes Contact: Marilyn Hamoline – [email protected] VOCAL SASKATCHEWAN (Regina): When: Saturday June 3, 2017 - 8 am – 2 pm Where: Farmers Market, Regina, Saskatchewan. Information: Information regarding Lyme and tick borne diseases will be available to the public Contact: Paula Stefankiw – [email protected] VOCAL QUEBEC: When: Samedi le 3 juin, 2017 - 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Where: parlement de la ville de Quebec Information: Médias et politiciens sont invités. Radio-Canada et le Soleil ai si que le journal de Montreal sera là et nous attend ne une confirmation de Tva nouvelles. Information: Rachel Guignard – [email protected] or Vanessa Attick – [email protected] VOCAL NEW BRUNSWICK (Sackville): When: Saturday June 3, 2017, 1:00-3:00pm Where: Dr. Vett Lloyd’s lab at Mount Allison University, in Sackville, New Brunswick is hosting an open lab day. Information: Anyone is welcome to drop into the lab and see some ticks and hear how they test them. Mount Allison University, with support of the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation, has formed a Lyme Disease Research Mode. – VOCAL NEWFOUNDLAND (St. John’s): When: Sunday, June 4th – 2:00pm* * note St. John’s event is Sunday 4th, not Saturday the 3rd Where: MMAP Gallery on the 2nd floor of the Arts and Culture Centre in St. John’s Newfoundland. Information: Jean Hewson and Dana Brothers will be hosting a Lyme info session 2:00 p.m. One of our priorities will be to create a network of Lyme sufferers and their supporters in Newfoundland. Details – VOCAL NOVA SCOTIA (Halifax): When: Saturday, June 3, 2017 - 12 noon until 5 pm Where: Ondaatje Hall, Dalhousie University (Ondaatje Hall is in the Marion McCain Arts and Social Sciences Building on University Avenue near the Rebecca Cohn – Information: Tentative Agenda: Welcome and Introductions Dr. Rob Murray – CanLyme Director Dalhousie University Tick Testing Programs April Pasley, Lyme Sufferer Andrew Hebda, Museum of Natural History Dr. Bryan Rade, Naturopath Bob Giguere, IGenex, a California blood testing company ( Tracy Cochrane – Lyme Sufferer & Patient of Dr. Dubocq Dr. Richard Dubocq, US Lyme Doctor Q&A with Presenters – If there is time There is no fee but donations will be gratefully accepted, in cash or via email transfer to [email protected] with the password “vocal”. Contact: Donna Lugar at [email protected] or 902-835-5643. VOCAL NOVA SCOTIA – Antigonish: Where: Antigonish Farmer's Market, James Street When: Saturday, June 3, 2017 - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Contact: Nansea Tomalty - [email protected] VOCAL PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Plans are in the works for a Walk/Run for Lyme Awareness. More information to follow. Contact – Stefanie Clark – [email protected] |
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