The Lyme Petition Please note, the Petition has been updated to reflect the change in the Health Minister, and also to reflect the fact that the draft Framework has now been finalized.
Since none of the serious issues raised in this Petition have been properly addressed in the Final Framework, we continue to raise support for this Petition and continue to encourage you to sign, comment and share this Petition as much as possible all across Canada.
We think EVERY Canadian needs to be aware of the growing risk of Tick-borne diseases in Canada and understand the desperate lack of (i) accurate diagnostic tests, (ii) experienced physicians educated in making a clinical diagnosis and all treatment options, and (iii) treatments in Canada for ALL forms of these diseases, especially the late stage, disseminated chronic forms (iv) alternate modes of transmission (from pregnant mother to her child).
Thank you for your continued support and engagement!
Jennifer Kravis & Sue Faber Co-Founders, LymeHope
As of Jan 7, 2018 - there are 53,400 signatures and over 14,000 comments across Canada! As of March 5, 2018 - there are 58, 034 signatures As of May 22, 2018 - there are 61, 820 signatures